Trezor Bridge®

Trezor Bridge is your gateway to easy crypto transactions. Trade, send, and receive cryptocurrencies while receiving timely price alerts. Start optimizing your trades today!

Key Features of Trezor Bridge (v24.9.2):

  • Enhanced Performance: Trezor Bridge v24.9.2 is designed for faster communication between the Trezor device and the browser. You’ll notice improved responsiveness during tasks like signing transactions and accessing your wallet.

  • Improved Compatibility: This version brings better support for modern browsers, making it easier for users to manage their assets without worrying about compatibility issues.

  • User-Friendly Setup: Installing and configuring Trezor Bridge is simple and straightforward. It runs in the background, requiring minimal interaction, so you can focus on managing your crypto safely.

  • Security Updates: Keeping security in mind, Version v24.9.2 ensures that your hardware wallet communication remains encrypted, providing robust protection against online threats.

Last updated